Double Hung Replacement Windows

If you’re in the market for replacement windows for your Denver home, you’ve probably come across the terms “single hung” or “double hung” quite often. The more modern and feature-rich double hung style is quickly becoming one of the most popular choices for replacement windows today.

Double Hung vs Single Hung

As opposed to single hung windows, which contain one stationary panel (also known as a “sash”) and one sash that moves freely, double hung windows have the ability to move either sash, offering the homeowner the convenience to open the window from either end. This allows you to control the airflow into your home – you have the option to open the bottom sash, the top sash, or a combination of both. In addition, double hung windows allow each sash to be opened at a tilt. Not only does this feature allow for better ventilation control, but it makes cleaning the window much easier as well. Both sashes tilt inward enabling you to clean the outside of the windows from the inside of your house, eliminating the pain and risk of climbing up on a ladder or scaffolding just to clean your windows.

Because of the variety of features double hung windows offer, they are quickly becoming the standard in replacement windows as well as in new construction. However, if you feel that the double hung style is not right for you or your home, due to space issues, aesthetic concerns, or cost, Colorado Window Company also offers a variety of windows in the single hung style.

Denver’s Window Experts

Not sure which style of window is perfect for you? Feel free to contact us today, and we can walk you through the process of finding the ideal solution for your Denver home. Colorado Window Company has a variety of styles to fit your needs. If you’re looking to work a unique piece of art for your replacement windows, our sister company Scottish Stained Glass can work with you to design a beautiful piece of glass for your double hung window. We are looking forward to working with you to get your home windows replaced today!

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