Composite Replacement Windows

As your home gets older, one of the most valuable, popular, and easy upgrades you can make is replacing your current windows. With so many styles and options available, choosing the right set of windows for your home can be a frustrating and confusing process. One of the most important choices you will make about your windows is the material of the frame.

Why Choose Composite Replacement Windows?

Vinyl windows are a great option for replacement windows – they offer good insulation, they are durable, and they require very little maintenance. However, some people find the look of vinyl frames to be “cold”, and they may not fit the aesthetic theme of some homes. Wood windows are also a great option – they offer great insulation (sometimes better than vinyl), look beautiful, and modern wood windows also require very little maintenance. However, wood window frames tend to expand and contract with heat and moisture, which can affect energy efficiency.

A third option, composite windows, are quickly becoming more popular in the window replacement market. Although a bit more expensive than vinyl, composite windows combine some of the strengths of vinyl and wood windows. Composite windows (often a blend of fiberglass, wood, and plastic) are just as durable, low maintenance, and even more rigid than vinyl windows (creating an even tighter seal for increased energy efficiency). They are also designed to mimic the beautiful look of painted wood – most people can’t even tell the difference. Our composite windows will maintain their beauty and functionality for years to come.

Colorado’s Composite Window Replacement Experts

If you’re ready to combine the best of both worlds in your home, consider Colorado Window Company’s composite windows. Contact us today, and our experts can take you through the myriad of styles and color options that we offer. We’re looking forward to working with you to find the perfect composite windows for your Denver home.

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